Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical Physiology 12th edition 2011: litt guling, ellers meget pent brukt. 200kr
Robbins and Cotran: Atlas of pathology 3rd edition 2015: minimalt med guling, meget pent bruk. 150 kr.
Underwood's Pathology, a clinical approach 6th edition 2013: meget pent brukt, ingen guling. 250 kr.
Weather's functional histology 5th edition 2010: minimalt med guling, pent brukt. 100kr
Thieme Atlas énboksatalas: ingen guling, godt brukt. 50kr.
Brodal: Sentralnervesystemet 5.utgave 2013: litt guling, meget pent brukt. 150kr.
ECGs by example 3rd edition 2011: ingen guling, meget pent brukt. 50kr.
Human embryology and developmental biology 5th edition 2014: minimalt med guling, meget pent brukt. 100kr.
Lippincott Mircobiology 3rd edition 2001: ingen guling, meget pent bruk. 50kr.
Giæver: Lungesykdommer 2.utgave 2008: litt guling, pent brukt. 50kr.
Kunnskapsforlaget: Medisinsk ordbok. GRATIS.
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